
  • Install the plugin into Roblox Studio here.
  • Navigate to the plugins tab inside of Studio.
  • Find the Zymono plugin and click on it.
  • In the form that appears on your screen, paste your Panel Key from
  • Click Initiate and wait a few seconds.

This should successfully initiate Zymono into your Roblox game.

You will need to do this for each game you would like to add Zymono to

How To Use

  • Click on the Zymono shield in the bottom left.
  • Fill out the information asked by the form.
  • Click Submit or Report.

This should send a report to your dashboard.

Keep in mind that our roblox plugin is rate limited and so you cannot submit more than one report every second

Customize the Code

How to customize the report sent to Zymono.

  • Open ServerScriptService.
  • Navigate to SCRIPT.
  • Edit any code in the POST request.

Customize the Form

How to customize the report form.

  • Open StarterGUI.
  • Navigate to ZymonoGUI.
  • Edit any of the GUIs. (Do not edit the scripts unless you know what you are doing)

Confusing Error

When you submit a report, the console will log Successfully sent request once and then There was an error twice. This is due to an error where more than one report is submitted when the user clicks the button. (There is no current fix because it does not cause any issues)